La propuesta fue seleccionada por el festival, que nos dio un equipo básico de cámara en la alta definición, y una isla básica de edición. Los gastos suplementarios de producción fueron asumidos por el director y fue hecho con muy bajo presupuesto, pero con el equipo necesario, la creatividad y el trabajo en equipo, manejamos nuestros recursos para completar nuestro mensaje.
El trabajo contra reloj fue una tarea complicada, pues tenia que estar concluido en este período de tiempo o quedaríamos descalificados. No dormimos demasiado, pero logramos nuestro cometido.
El hecho que el tianguis es montado cada sábado, nos forzaba a determinar un plan rápido de trabajo para este día sin hacer ningún otro compromiso, esto con la finalidad de conseguir las imágenes y la información que necesitamos del Tianguis cultural.
Por otra parte, el concertar las entrevistas con los músicos de Rock mexicanos en México, implicaba una dificultad; la disponibilidad. En algunos casos, personajes que se tenían en mente, por sus calendarios, no nos permitieron hacer la entrevista., algunas otras se cancelaron durante el rodaje, por lo que fue necesario improvisar y coordinar nuevas entrevistas durante el proceso, con el fin de completar este documental. Los personajes añadidos resultaron ser grandes contribuciones a esta historia.
Nuestra investigación previa y la coordinación del trabajo en equipo, dio como resultado este primer corte. El misma que fue exhibida en diferentes salas de cine, durante la celebración del Festival Internacional de la ciudad de México en el 2008.
El jurado compuesto por personalidades y críticos de cine documental, tomó la decisión de darnos el premio al mejor documental del reto Docsdf. La experiencia de trabajar en la misma sala de montaje con los demás participantes del reto, fue muy valiosa, simplemente para compartir el gusto y el deseo de hacer películas.

Poets, musicians and lunatics was realized in 100 hours, in the 2008 edition of the international festival of documentary cinema of the city of Mexico.
The proposal was selected by the festival, who gave us a basic equipment of camera in high definition, and an editing room. The extra expenses of production were assumed by the Director Guinduri Arroyo, which indicates that this shortcut was done with a low budget. But, with the necessary equipment, creativity and teamwork, we manage our resources to complete our message.
The work against clock was a complicated task concerning to the accomplishment of Poets, musicians and lunatics. It had to be done entirety in this period of time or we would stay out of the competition. We didnt sleep too much, but we achieve it.
The fact that the tianguis is mounted every Saturday, it was forcing us to determine a fast plan of work for this day. So we had to adjust everything to an arduous day of work, to get the images and information that we needed. On the other hand, to agree our interviews with the musicians of the rock in Mexico, also it was implying a difficulty, the availability. In some cases, characters that we had in mind, by his calendars, did not allow us to do the interview. In the shooting day´s some interviews was cancelled, so it was necessary to improvise and to coordinate new interviews during the process, to complete this short cut documentary. The adedd characters turned out to be great contributions to this history.
Our previous research and the coordinated teamwork, gave as result this first cut. The same that was exhibited in different cinemas, celebrating the International Festival of the city of Mexico.
The juror composed by figures and critics of the documentary cinema, took the decision to gave us the prize to the best documentary of the challenge docsdf. The experience of working in the same editing room with the other participants of the Challenger, was very valuable, simply for sharing the taste and the desires of doing movies.
The proposal was selected by the festival, who gave us a basic equipment of camera in high definition, and an editing room. The extra expenses of production were assumed by the Director Guinduri Arroyo, which indicates that this shortcut was done with a low budget. But, with the necessary equipment, creativity and teamwork, we manage our resources to complete our message.
The work against clock was a complicated task concerning to the accomplishment of Poets, musicians and lunatics. It had to be done entirety in this period of time or we would stay out of the competition. We didnt sleep too much, but we achieve it.
The fact that the tianguis is mounted every Saturday, it was forcing us to determine a fast plan of work for this day. So we had to adjust everything to an arduous day of work, to get the images and information that we needed. On the other hand, to agree our interviews with the musicians of the rock in Mexico, also it was implying a difficulty, the availability. In some cases, characters that we had in mind, by his calendars, did not allow us to do the interview. In the shooting day´s some interviews was cancelled, so it was necessary to improvise and to coordinate new interviews during the process, to complete this short cut documentary. The adedd characters turned out to be great contributions to this history.
Our previous research and the coordinated teamwork, gave as result this first cut. The same that was exhibited in different cinemas, celebrating the International Festival of the city of Mexico.
The juror composed by figures and critics of the documentary cinema, took the decision to gave us the prize to the best documentary of the challenge docsdf. The experience of working in the same editing room with the other participants of the Challenger, was very valuable, simply for sharing the taste and the desires of doing movies.